Thursday, September 23, 2010

What if ....

Creativity knows no boundaries. Here is  our new thread which gives you a chance to imagine situations that may never happen. We all love to dream the impossible; here is the opportunity to create you own wonderland. Periodically, we would posting a "What if" here; you have to come up with the craziest of answers to that situation. For example, you have to tell us "What if the sun didn't rise for a day?"Remember, we are looking for crazy responses, because we love being crazy ourselves.

Here is the first "What If.." -> What if aliens visited the Earth someday? 

A simple situation, isn't it? We must have imagined that a milion times. Its your chance now to show your craziness quotient.


  1. What if aliens visited the earth and thought that anyone with white skin was an inferior being? And had the strength to enforce that by changing our laws?

  2. What if an alien visited earth...CNN and all the other cable news networks would do 24/7 reporting on the event and the public would never hear about Iraq, Afghanistan, The Economy, The Republicans or the Democrats. All that news would simply disappear from the face of the earth and we would get to start all over again.

  3. If aliens visited the earth, they would definitely want to meet George Bush. After all, his Bushisms (read senseless phrases) are popular even in outer space!

  4. If aliens visited the earth they would be shocked at the level of violence, and would probably plant marijuana in everyone's back yard to mellow us out.

  5. I just wonder what they would think of Donald Trump's hair.

  6. @Rebecca -lol. That was mean. You could easily write a sattire Rebecca.

  7. We'd go.. "daayaammmmm.. we're good looking"
